Darkrideer's Comments
(2) comments by Darkrideer

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Jademist Dancer
I know this old thread but bout 20 min ago was farming for her at 165 attempts
and this hunter there asks me why I'm killing them I tell her for pet. She proceeds to open trade an gives me one , oh joy an wouldn't even take any gold. Just to show I you that there are still good people in wow. Thankim unknown hunter.
Posted: May 25, 2014 1:42:41 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +4
1-2 of 2
Man, I feel like a real loser after reading through these post.
I think the highest number of attempts I read was like 50.
Well unlucky old me is on 243 attempts with no darn monkey.
However I did get baby ape last night, so I'm happy bout that,
but dang I want me a bonkers.