Darklynx's Comments
(8) comments by Darklynx

Comments by Date (8)
Got him after three days farming, so I don't really believe his drop rate is that low. I was never camping the cave since the isle had so many things to do, so what I usually did was: Pop all my isle items (Book, Brew and Crystal), get a debuff, kill all and leave to the beach. There I kill all Jadefire Dancers and go back to the cave, killing 2 Death Adders on the way. This usually gives me just the right time for the cave to respawn, so I did that circuit for a few hours easily.
Spawn rate is crap, one thing you can do is kill all the drakes and whelps in the area. Did that for 3 minutes and spawned two!
Got one uncommon.
Got a rare one while looking for Arcane Eyes and doing LFR. It's 00:50 server time now, so I believe they spaw 00:00, since I was capturing Eyes until 22:00~ (That's when I started two LFRs in a row).
Soloed on my Hunter yesterday and dropped. Pretty neat pet and, besides the cinder kitten, the one I was looking for the most! :)
Farmed it with my hunter and my druid and no luck. Gonna try with my priest later today. Pretty easy to solo now, all you have to do is use something to heal the boss while you're controlling him, I've used Rejuvenation with my druid.
With the Hunter, you can throw traps with trap launcher and kite the adds on the boss to the traps, this will aggro the adds to you and you can kill them when you lose control (Multi-Shot). Wiped a few times to get it though.
I'll try a similar strategy with my mage and ring of frost.
Got this baby with my hunter yesterday. Downed him to 1% and realized that I had to shatter him with mechanics. Dismissed by pet, summonded my chimera pet and used Frost Breath until he froze. After that I popped some cds and it was a done deal (I don't think I had stampede on, probably only Lynx Rush, Rapid Fire, Bestial Wrath and the one that summons another pet).
My hunter is 461 yet.
Just got one on the right side of the map provided by WoWHead. It was a rare one. There was one available, I didn't sit and waited for a new one.
This one is actually on Terokkar Forest, since he doesn't count as Hellfire Peninsula on the achievement :)
Did they fixed the spawn rate of the Scary Sprites? Managed to get around 7 today on my druid (545, fully buffed with isle buffs, popped all cds and used Hurricane for the whole minute).
Got my Dandelion Frolicker s/s :D I was really mad because I had 1 or none spawning for me on this event for the last couple weeks.