Darii's Comments
(17) comments by Darii

Comments by Date (17)
Just as someone else said...Pet battle the oliveback bird @ 43.0, 19.0 flying just above the rocky area in Aszuna. Wait 5 minutes and the Kingfeather will spawn.
Handinotes mislabels the rare as Stormborne Matriarch. It drops from Stormwing Matriarch
Found one flying 15 feet over my character's head in Azsuna @ 29, 35. It seems the pattern for these that they are located on the small islands along the shoreline.
"Only found as an added pet" is incorrect. I found it in the Highmountain Burial Grounds @ 26, 41. Be careful not to kill it while clearing out the demon guards.
Later I noticed one in Azsuna @ 40, 50
Got mine today. The rug appeared in Breanni's as a large round goldish colored on the floor and behind the desk. My cursor turned into a gold gear wheel as soon as i walked into the door of the shop. This shop is also known as the Magical Menagerie.
Got a P/B breed from the small snow piles in the quest area (quests picked up in the garrison) in Frostfire ridge. It took me about 10 to 15 snow patches to get it. Not bad at all!
I got this today. Remember this pet is unique. You can only have one of them. The little pup spawned immediately after killing the rare spawn it is linked to. It is located in the back center of the "room". Someone else got the pet before me, then I got it. So more than one person can pick it up per kill.
If you haven't found it yet, do like I did, disregard pet addon's coordinates and widen your search to the entire zone of Talador.
Found mine at 39.0, 91.5 and NOT as an additional pet. The location tab's information on this pet being an additional pet only is incorrect.
Find a guild that has this achievement completed already. Create a lvl 1 toon (I made a Human Hunter), join that guild, and start grinding quests. You need to be revered to buy this pet and the armadillo for 300g each from the guild vendor in SW or Org. This process took me 2.5 hours of questing until lvl 17. Don't forget your Renowned Guild Tabard, Heirlooms, and the Chauffeured Mekgineer's Chopper!
Patch 6.1 changes: "Lunkers can now be caught from fishing pools and have an improved catch rate with higher fishing skill."
Blizzard Gear store -> Collectibles -> Shop by IP -> Warcraft -> page 2
Listed as "Gryphon hatchling plush with bonus in-game companion"
The general info tab for this pet is incorrect. It states "The quartermaster currently does not sell this pet, but the old Nether Ray Fry instead. It's suspected that this is a bug."
I just checked, the vendor DOES sell the correct pet "Sky Fry" for 1000g + 2000 apexis crystals + revered status.
I got this pet today (12-27-2014) while cooking one of the +100 foods. Overall I cooked about 5,000 foods to get it. I never made any feasts. The toon i got it on is a Pandaren with the +15 cooking racial bringing my cooking to 715.
I spent a half hour riding around half the zone, so I took everyone's advice and just captured the first one i came across. When the battle was complete, the game gave me a flawless beast battle-stone, which was promptly put on the pet.
This pet has a certain cuteness about it!
Today I upgraded this with a Flawless Batte Stone but it still appeared as uncommon in this site.
Today I upgraded this with a Flawless Batte Stone but it still appeared as uncommon in this site.
Anyone else notice that even though i have this pet, this website still thinks i don't have it?