Darcadia's Comments
(9) comments by

Comments by Date (9)
The Cobalt Raven dropped from my first Order of Embers paragon chest as well (The Bewitching Tea Set toy dropped from the same chest). Then I received the Violet Abyssal Eel in my first Storm's Wake paragon. These seem to be encouraging drop rates, so hang in there, and avoid the exorbitant auction house prices.
I just battled Zujai with a level 16 pet, and it only received 193 xp! With trainers nerfed this severely, what is Blizzard's intention for leveling pets?
I love Breanni's comment on this one :P
Crackers will currently remain on your shoulder after summoning a second pet. Summoning a Junglebeak gives you the appearance of having two Crackers.
I like Breanni's comment for this guy :)
@Norvel: Never underestimate the value of a Cute Face :) I've used that ability with great success on Brightpaw, but it shares the 3rd slot with Prowl, which is also very powerful. Now I can watch the Puppy Parade with my Cute Face on ;)
Druids get two exclusive pets. Druid and Priest are the only classes I don't play. I really wish I'd known about this before I used my free level 100 character boost.
The Violet Abyssal Eel dropped from my first Storm's Wake paragon, and I received the Cobalt Raven from my first Order of Embers paragon chest as well. These seem to be encouraging drop rates, so hang in there, and avoid the exorbitant auction house prices.