Dantbadger's Comments
(16) comments by Dantbadger

Comments by Date (16)
Woot got mine 12:02 server, right out side scarab wall. Benn savin that Battle stone. Yaaaa Zookeeper.
I just looked at the class of pet and picked appropriate pets to fight them. With fast flight it took me about an hour. Only 2 were a real pain for me. Sadly I can't remember which, lol.
Me too, first stone I got was for a humanoid which was sweet since I wnated to upgrade him first!!
The Shelf to the East of Deaths Door is definitely where they are, I found about 10 up there, most poor or common but I did land a Rare, 10 to 9 est
Please note, It is the cave SOUTH and to the west of Dire Maul, not the cave directly to the west. I camped teh wrong cave for days, hope this helps someone.
I just got a poor at 2PM est so they are out in the day but after 20 mins no more spawned.
Just got a common same place as many others right by Horde FP.
I beat for quest cannot relocate, what is his location?
Ok, beat this guy on the quest, now can't re locat him, what is his location?
I picked this guy too, the stuns were driving me nuts, that mole was worse though I want one of them!!
Ok, after a day of not seeing any, I logged on this morning and finally found some. Got a poor one south of Hidden grove, acommon one near owl wing thicket and got the big score w a rare near Thunder Maw Hold. Hope that helps some of you. Gonna be a long wait til summer, lol.
Sunday 2:50ish pm, sand storm was up and they were everywhere, nice thing is I was alone, had about 15 fights no rares but got 2 uncommons. By 3:05 the place was swarming with people. I almost feel bad about doin' so many to find a rare...almost, lol. Now only owl and Guardian for zookeeper, sigh c'mon summer.
Found a ton of 'em at the southern end of the Toxic airfield around 1:00 pm eastern time.
Just got one with a strand crab on the beach on the island north of booty bay. Also got a crimsom moth with one too.
I caught 2 commons this morning, but I camped the login key right after the restart. Once I got on there were about 10 of them. But, people started popping on shortly there after and it was over run with people in just a couple mins, all were gone in less than 5 mins. I've spent days flying over here and killing the larger ones, this was the only time I've seen any. So If you are serious be ready to camp your login after a server restart and act quickly.
Already have 3 and beat one trainer so far. :)