Dannime's Comments
(8) comments by Dannime

Comments by Date (8)
Been farming these seriously for 2wks. Not sure if they changed the HelswornSoulseekers but they are not showing elite at this time,but they still hit as elites! Around 64,51 by 3 sets of stairs in Desmotaeron. HelyasGrasp spawn there & you get the buff for saving a soul &collect 20souls for the weekly covenant quest in this spot, & Containing the Helsworn quest. I'm at over 800 kills(cry). IMO while Im stealthed they seem to spawn more quickly but that could be wishful thinking. ;)
51.81, 85.3 Fronttline pet
Had to run around doing pet battles for about 40 mins to make some respawns around the Beastwarrens area before this showed up.
Found one in the Maw at 47.69, 72.66 that managed not to blow itself up. It was a frontline pet with a rare one on the backline and neither of them had the blowthemselves up ability open. Thankfully.
Seeing them on the AH on my busier server at around 8k for green level 1. Showing breeds P/B and P/P
70, 34 Right outside Mogu'shan Palace, only one around, grey quality and very cute!
Found mine at 57.17, 47.43, Vale of Eternal Blossoms top of the hill. Very top. No breed yet, its only a common but I'll keep it till I know whats what on the breeds. Hes kinda cute, matches my shadow priest glow thing she has going on :)
Confirmed picked up one when I started the new quests in Uldum under a palm tree. Flew around doing pet battles in Uldum to see what I could find and saw them all over the region as secondaries, got a rare around 35.50, 69.01, by Ruins of Ammon. No breeds showing yet so I kept 3 until I figure out which ones to keep :). Also found a few Void-Scarred Locusts.
Ive never seen more than 2 up at a time with a few minutes for each respawn (but my server is a busy one so that could account for why dont see more). A few spots Ive seen them:
Just inside the mouth of the cave in Zuldazar at 23.13, 60.24 ;
another on the platform with the big elite crab- 17.51, 61.57;
and a few times around 21.93, 58.66