Daniekir's Comments
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It's not just that clone is ridiculously OP (which it kind of is,) but it is also buggy as all get-out right now. Any time that an enemy pet dies and a new one swaps in, the clone attacks again, even if it has already gone that round. I would love to see them fix it, maybe even nerf it a little bit (clones do half dmg maybe?,) but from the sound of it they are just going to pull the ability altogether which is a little sad.
You have to wait 24 hours between quests to recieve the next one. If you look at the emotes they do after you lvl them up they say something along the lines of 'hatchling needs time to rest after his adventure.' Try summoning him again the next day and he should have a new quest for you.
This is a must-have battle pet.
Not only can he solo most wild pet encounters and more than one trainer, I almost always run with him in my pvp team. Of course he is great against ele's and undead (spectral kid/unborn val'kyr can't touch him,) but he is shockingly good against flyers. His shell shield mitigates most of the dmg of abilities like slicing wind and his surge takes a lot of the punch out of alpha strike. The pets you do have to watch out for are ones with darkness/nocturnal strike.
If you are specifically farming the claws for this pet (or one of the mounts) as opposed to killing for rep- the smaller the group the better! A good tank and high aoe dps can burn through the mobs almost as fast as the average 5man group, and the less people you have to split the loot with, the better. My husband (ele sham) and I (blood dk) can crank out enough claws for us each to get a pet in under two hours of farming, depending on how camped the area is.
Rivaled - Dragonblight US, was allowing pet hunters to join and get this little guy as of 6-17-15. They helped me out and were really cool about it so just a reminder: BE POLITE. Don't spam them for an invite or beg for gold to buy it! They are already doing you a big favor as it is and this really should go without saying, but apparently the guild Voodoo had these sort of problems from those they were trying to help and it is why they stopped.
Happy hunting!
Having http://www.wowhead.com/item=112904/sargerei-disguise helped me a lot when I was looking for this little guy as a primary. It's a quest item though, from the garrison campaign and I just did them both at the same time. Still watch out for the podlings though, they are a pain in the ***.
When I first read up on this guy I was dreading the grind for him, mostly because I thought lobstroks>water>lots of swimming. While there might be more mobs out in the deeper water, I honestly don't know because the ones on the beach are so plentiful and respawned so quickly that I never had to go out and check. Even rounding mobs up in packs of 3-6 at a time, by the time I circled the little batch of islands, they were all respawned and I didn't have to sit and wait at all.
Beautiful model and absolutely destroys flying pets. Go PP for PvE fights and SS for PvP.
This dragon and my SS Nordrassil Wisp make a great 2-pet team against both the arakkoa trainer and the one with moths, makes it really easy to level up other pets.
Had a bit of trouble with these guys pathing through the terrain. The one I snagged near Ultris actually went deep enough into one of the hills that his symbol disappeared off my minimap. This of course led to the 'pet battle area is obscured' error once he finally did emerge.
The only advice I can offer is to keep trying, adjusting your position and trying to engage it every time it moves even a little. Don't give up if this happens! ^_^
I have serious doubts about this guy being tied to the March of the Tadpoles or any other micro-holiday since during the announcement of the feature at Blizzcon they specifically said that they will not be attaching any pets or mounts to the micro-holidays so people do not feel obligated to do them. I get that Blizz isn't always totally faithful to their announcements, but this would be a complete 180 from what they intended.