Damiasylver04's Comments
(23) comments by Damiasylver04

Comments by Date (23)
Was hoping Puppies of Flame would be the same model as he is, but they're molten corgis.
Saw this in the journal yesterday and was so excited...of course it wasn't avail anywhere yet >.< So pleased to come home and see him up for adoption today! I love those giant ears!
Definately a primary around the Xenedar crash sight in Krokkun (Argus) - far west up and down the bright yellow crash path. Battled amny, haven't seen a rare yet hto.
8/11-Thank you for adding the manual update! Lvl 25 277 pwr, 293 speed, 1424 health ♥
-I have her but cannot get the account to update. Wow's armoury took a bit to show this too, but now it does. Fabulous pet! So pretty kitty!
Codes still work, if you buy one unopened US version on eBay >.< Instead of mailing them they just appear in your pet journal as gift boxes. (yes you get all three!) Open the boxes and get your pets! *Collect them ALL* lolz
Codes still work, if you buy one unopened US version on eBay >.< Instead of mailing them they just appear in your pet journal as gift boxes. (yes you get all three!) Open the boxes and get your pets! *Collect them ALL* lolz
Codes still work, if you buy one unopened US version on eBay >.< Instead of mailing them they just appear in your pet journal as gift boxes. (yes you get all three!) Open the boxes and get your pets! *Collect them ALL* lolz
Dropped in right in front of the main Crablord. Center of the island. Died and revived in just a spot that I was able to battle three squirkies and capture them all without further interference from the elites...so long as I mounted immediately after the fight and targeted the squirkies for battle upon landing / reviving. I use a macro to take action on the targeted battle pets (works for others hidden by trees, such as the Black Widow)
As of today, Not yet available in game. will probably be avail in the next patch. Same for the DK dragons
What a great time to level some pets without anything coming in to kill you after the battle...fantastic pet :) ♥
My first, that I caught / saw was rare. All 3 I battled for the snowfeather hatchling were rare.
OMG this is almost as sad as the Frostwolf Ghostpup.
"The little wolf told to stay. Watching, waiting, for vacant prey. Too proud to leave, she slipped away. Unburdened now, forever free to play."
silently starving obeying an absent master's commands ♥ dammit Blizz you're breaking my already bleeding heart...
I found Twin orphans walking around Fields of Blood today. They climbed the mountain and circled around (no parents around to tell them giraffes don't climb mountains) Then another by Battlescar, Horde side and another at Firepoint, all the way south.
The blue Rare still eludes me :\
(6pm PST- Dragonblight)
caught my blue (balanced) today, team also had a blue skittering that I needed...I hate when the Gods make you chose!
...of course I took the raptor ♥
FINALLY...2 hours running thru Elwynn Forest one end to the other top to bottom at least 20 times) I found my rare outside the gates of Stormwind chilling with that cow. yay ♥
Yes, Keeley, who wouldn't love to put sweaters on cats...and penguins??? I think my pygmy cow needs a party hat...
I only needed one mug. Set it right in front of Morja and wait.
was just about to head back to garrison, when i noticed the sandstorm...went around killing poor quality bugs and got a rare and 2 uncommons, roughly 20-30 kills? wasn't counting :( woot! only one more pet for Kal Safari!
I still really neeed the Platypus ! <3