Dalmaar's Comments
(7) comments by Dalmaar

Comments by Date (7)
Found a Poor at 76, 45 Main Pet
365 casts ilvl from 110-175 all in the Vale
They won't bring it back but they should at least make it cageable so the folks that don't collect can sell to those of us that do.
RNG doesn't even exist for me hence why I still don't have an Albino Buzzard, Snobold Runt, Knockoff Blingtron, Wisdomball and Nightmare Whelping even after 8 months of doing the requirements every chance I get. Feel like I'm running in circles. Six weeks of work for 3 new pets is awesome in my book!
So my question is; if it's not yet available then why is it showing as one that is. Shouldn't it be marked as one that is "Not Yet Available" here on WarCraftPets.com? Just like the other holiday pets that will be coming out this year.
*Edit* Now it shows as not available.
Purchased from the Auction House but you can not add it to your Pet Journal unless you have met the Rep requirement as well. :(
Also one at 47, 25 and 42, 31