Daedalion's Comments
(4) comments by Daedalion

Comments by Date (4)
Very easy to get this pet! Just complete the quest by talking to Skywing and escorting him, which takes less than 10 minutes. Return the quest to Shatt and you have him!
Just caught one at 7:45 AM EST! He was uncommon and was found near the entrance to Kara. I also found another on top of a tower, but he was poor quality. No sign of a rare. LOVE this little guy! Cool abilities, and looks awesome when summoned floating along near your character. :)
I was inspired by some of the stories of oozes dropping quickly, so I farmed some oozes while in Felwood. Do not recommend it - after about 2 hours, only one or two oozing bags even dropped. I stopped in Swamp of Sorrows and tried my luck there for four hours- no oozeling. Giving up for the time being :(
I was flying South of Shattrath on my flying mount and saw one. Dropped down and battled; it turned out to be an uncommon. Haven't seen another one for awhile, so no rare, but he is really cute!