Cypetcollector's Comments
(10) comments by Cypetcollector

Comments by Date (10)
Dropped on 25 Heroic, Tron that started was Toxictron, so it doesn't make a diff which one starts. took about 10 runs I think to get it.
They really need to put in an option to skip all the dialog in Dragon Soul.... Once I get the pets, I never want to set foot in there again with all that wasted time.
Don't waste your shards on this pet besides the 100 shard world quest. If you're patient you can pick him up on the AH cheap. I just got two of them for only 37 gold each.
If the 2200 timewarped badges number is correct, how long would it take to farm that number to buy 1 pet?
If you want to craft this on your own using smelting and alchemy (Riddle of Steel and Transmute: Trillium Bar) you would need a total of:
1,200 Ghost Iron Ore
450 Motes of Mana
It will take 15 days, since the Peculiar Energy Source has a 1 day cooldown.
Recommend crafting a pair of Mist Piercing Goggles to help with GhostIron Farm. While farming Motes, you do have a chance to get Gahz'rooki to drop in Top left N. Barrens off Kor'kron mobs.
If you want to craft this on your own using smelting and alchemy (Riddle of Steel and Transmute: Trillium Bar) you would need a total of:
1,200 Ghost Iron Ore
450 Motes of Mana
It will take 15 days, since the Peculiar Energy Source has a 1 day cooldown.
Recommend crafting a pair of Mist Piercing Goggles to help with GhostIron Farm. While farming Motes, you do have a chance to get Gahz'rooki to drop in Top left N. Barrens off Kor'kron mobs.
@sffcorgi I don't think there is a level req to battle her. I've gone from 28 to 32 so far on my troll hunter just pet battling her.
This is also the only pet besides Iron Starlette with Wind-up and Supercharge on different tiers, so they can be used together.
I've gotten two uncommon SS and PS, think I'll keep the PS since I already have 4 other SS rabbits/hares. Really wish they would of done something a little more special with the moveset besides just giving it smokebomb.
I think this is only available now via AH and BMAH. If you try to do LFG in Pandaria Raids, you get a message that you are not in a Raid Group and only recieve Treasures of the Thunder King sack with some gold in it.