Cyberspyder's Comments
(9) comments by Cyberspyder

Comments by Date (9)
This might help with the phasing problem. Go into your key bindings and find INTERACT WITH TARGET, then click on the red button to the right under KEY 1 that says unbound. Then the next key you hit will bind it to that key. I used my tilde key ` when you find a pet that's phased (like the black rats) that might have a blight hawk as a secondary, get close enough so you can target one and get on a flying mount then fly towards it spamming your interact key. Works but takes timing.
I don't know if somethings broken. I have been farming for this pet for 4 hours. I have battled every pet in the zone, zooey, fireffly, foxling +kits, szechuan, monitors, runts, kids, tolai hare and pups, and whatever else is in the zone. Battled, foreit and killed etc etc and have not seen 1 rare tolai hare pup in 4 hours. I'm on Nazgrel usa. Very strange.
Just got a rare one at 42.5 66.1 @12:45am server on Nazgrel. No lvl 95 pvp's around this part of map.
While looking for shadelings between 3-4 am saw nothing but poor so i left. I Got a rare eye on top of tower @ 5:00am server and local on Nazgrel. All shadelings were gone.
Got one today dead center of everlook, no snow at 1:30 pm server. It's only a common but it's the first one i've seen. Very heavilly farmed.
I live in NJ and we will probably find Jimmy Hoffa's body before that kitten is sold :-)
Just bought two of them, one for me and one for my girl. Thanks in advance to everyone for purchasing this kewl cat. The money collected will certainly help people here in NJ who are just trying to get their lives back this holiday season.
Just got mine MM Hunter, couldn't solo last boss tho :-(
I lost count of how many bags i opened and no pet. I got lucky today and saw one on Hyjal AH for 4k bid and 5k buyout and it was already lvl 8 I put in the bid and won it. Check the auction houses, you might get lucky.