Cursedhero's Comments
(17) comments by Cursedhero

Comments by Date (17)
For any delicate animal, you can use any pet with Super Bark (Corgnelius, Scraps, etc). The move reduces HP to 1 so it's safe to tag in the pet and use it, if you fear KO'ing Bloodseeker.
if you have 3 cast Call of Darkness (destroys dragons; lowers accuracy and healing), cast prison, and tag in the next to not lose a turn. Repeat the above, tag in the third and repeat. Spam slot 1 attacks until the cooldowns end and repeat, but this time using Prison first, then call Darkness to wipe out the team. To have a varied team of super annoyers, try other "blinding" types like Rose Taipan so the opponents have virtually no chance of hitting you. BLIND PARTY!
Auburn Ringtail is a "Ratatta" of Battle Pets. You have to catch one to catch 'em all, but that's about the extent of its usefulness- it fulfills a small part of an achievement. It does have 2 select move sets to thwart Undead and Critter types but it dies off VERY fast on any team.
If you haven't noticed, nearly ever Master/Fable Pet on Mechagon Island, as well as surrounding areas, requires the 1-2 punch of Unborn Val + Ikky to both de-buff and deal Curse of Doom a few rounds later on the enemy pet. Most world challenge solutions are also:
1) Unborn Val -> Curse of Doom, Unholy Ascension
2) Ikky -> Black Claw, Flock
3) Any pet strong against enemy pet type
The Blind Rat has a variety of uses. If you're in the wild, you can use Lullaby to put the enemy pet to sleep, tag in a Lv.1 or leveling pet, attack, tag out the leveling pet, and resume the battle. It's also a killer of all pets except Beasts. Call Darkness->Lullaby->Sneak Attack can take out nearly any pet and some teams.
World Quest pet fight vs Chomp:
A ton of trainers have issues with Chomp because he fully heals if he kills with one of his main attacks. Undead negate this effect. So....
1) Start with Boneshard and cast Blistering Cold. Spam chop. Cast blistering cold again before he dies.
2) Enter Unborn Valkyre and cast Curse of Doom, then Haunt. Chomp should be dead BUT...
3) If Chomp lives, tag in Ikky and Black Claw -> Flock to finish him off.
Happy this is up- with regard to accidentally killing off the pet instead of capturing it, this is where the Singing Sunflower and other plant elementals are great. Using Sunny Weather, Photosynthesis, and the first slot Vine attack, even if the elementals are lv.25, allow for low dmg and an easy catch even though it takes some time.
C'Thuffer is a certified C'ritter C'iller as Lumbering is a one hit KO to Critters (though it uses a round to build and the next to hit). It's basically the cooler Beast version of the Iron Starlette.
Beasts have extra resistance to Hoomanz attacks so using Shadow Shock in the first attack slot will duck them up.
C'Thuffer as C'ritter C'iller: Horn Gore, Lumbering, Feed
C'Thuffer as H'uman C'iller: Shadow Shock, Lumbering, Feed
I've not seen Horn Attack make a foe lose a turn
Muar is a great Magic counter to Flying battle pets if armed with Onyx Bite, Drain Power, and Stone Form. This move set relies on Onyx Bite as the other moves have 4 and 6 round cool downs respectively. But, here's the idea:
1) start with Drain Power to gain 25% dmg and reduce enemy dmg by 25%
2) hit with Onyx Bite for 2-4 rounds
3) use Stone Skin to recover (if needed)
Both Drain Power and Onyx Bite are effective dmg on Flying pets.
Larva also appear as secondary battle pets to Maggots and Rats in Deatholme. Nobody should feel bad about killing off Maggots to get Larva. If you kill Spirit Crabs... oh, man....
Also, be sure to kill a common, non-battle pet Larva if you're Alliance since it's required in a select achievement
"Gotta catch 'em all!"
Its a decent pet that is best used against Mechanical based teams (Bert, etc). The attack set by default is Poison Branch, Shell Shield, Entangling Roots to wipe out Mechanicals.
Essential member for an Aquatic team to take out Nearly Headless Jacob's team of Undead pets. I use 2 Softshell Snaplings with Shell Shield and Power Ball. if the enemy pets swap for your "weakest" pet, then Benax gets tagged in (Benax has lower health than the Softshells). Use Bubble when the undead pets revive. Prior to them reviving, use Swarm of Flies and Tongue Lash to kill away. Benax can take out Jacob's entire team easily once it's tagged in.
If you're power leveling new or lower level pets, note Infernal Pyreclaw can 2 hit KO Lindsay's team of rabbits with Great Sting (poisons enemy team, effective against critters) followed by Cleave:
->Start with first leveling pet and use 1 move to get experience points.
->Tag in 2nd pet to level and repeat.
->Tag in Pyreclaw and use Great Sting to poison entire team.
->Use Cleave to KO all rabbits.
If a rabbit survives, just wait on the inflicted poison damage to KO them all.
Pygmy Owl is a great Flying type to use vs Aquatics:
1) Savage Talon (powerful vs Aquatic, main attack)
2) Preen (heals + increases DMG by 25% for 2 rounds)
3) Predatory Strike (aka murders Aquatic when below 25%)
Pattern: Savage Talon -> Preen -> Savage Talon until foe is below 25% health -> Predatory Strike
Confirmed that Sunflower can withstand Major Payne's Polar Bear. Use Sunlight to strike all of Payne's pets. Use Photosynthesis over and over during Sunlight's cooldown, and this takes a long time, but you can tag-in a mechanical to kill off the Polar Bear. The continuos heal +sunlight allows Sunflower to survive easily. Sunflower's low dmg cannot kill the Polar Bear, which is why a mechanical is needed on the team. 2 team strategy: Singing Sunflower + Iron Starlette
Odd pet in that the idea of it's moveset is to be a super annoyer what with dive (causes opponent to miss 1 attack round), cleansing rain(heals you and allies), and feed (heals for 100% of damage dealt) BUT the combination of that moveset forces you to tag it out since the cool downs are so long. This forces you to add swarm while all other moves recharge. Current moveset: use swarm (3 rounds), feed (4 round cool down), dive (4 round cool down), swarm, feed, dive, and repeat. This works!
Any pet with Blistering Cold is absolute gold in Legendary Pet battles, as the Legendary Pet can't swap and the stacking damage nature wreaks havoc. Stacking Blistering Cold with Black Claw, Flock, and/or Hunting Party is absolute death for the foe.