Cthul's Comments
(10) comments by Cthul

Comments by Date (10)
Meant to UP-rate Oldfarts' comment 'cause I'm an RP geek and love stuff like that. I've not made a serious attempt at the Minfernal yet, passing by on perhaps six occasions looking but no luck so far. Time to station a toon here, probably a hunter so that they can survive a long wait!
Well THAT hasn't happened in awhile! Following the advice left by another commenter I went to Giant's run and got a rare as primary on my first fight! Secondaries were a turkey and a squirrel. Turkey proved a pain as it kept putting my pets to sleep! Overall fairly easy fight though. VERY low health on the fjord rat so I'm curious what breed it is.
After MUCH non-success trying to get the Nexus Whelpling rare I went to Bor'Gorok to quest for a bit, periodically checking the spawn-point conveniently just outside the post (Horde). At 0010 or so CC server time I was JUST about to turn in for the night but went to check one more time. She was there but I worried if my pets were up to it as I've been levelling for awhile but didn't think I was 'there' yet. Lucky she was a grey but I'd been saving a stone just for her. H/H Bombling for the win.
I'm SO UPSET with myself! HAD a blue after only 3 or 4 fights at the D.E.H.T.A. camp and got cocky! Left my Ash Viper in one round too long and the D.O.T. poison killed it! *sob!* UPDATE: Feel better now. Got a blue in the N. part of the Steeljaw's Caravan due S of the Bor'Gorok flight point marker and due N of the map marker for the Caravan.
Got my blue after quite a long hunt - about 3 days and got all 3 blue ash vipers AND 2 scorpids in the time it took to get the 1 blue tainted cockroach. Got it in the Netherwing area, which surprised me as I was lead to believe by the map that it was not a spawn area for cockroaches.
Not bad! Not long at all after getting my Fel Flame (maybe an hour?) got my blue as a secondary to a grey AV NE of the Altar of Sha'tar (don't fly directly over that if you're Horde! ;) ).
After an evening of discovering that a pet bombling was a bad idea for farming for a fel flame (ff strong vs mechs) I switched today to a small frog (highest level aquatic I had at 19). The frog proved QUITE effective! I found my blue at the Sketh'lon Wreckage, at the very small lava pool at the west end. The blue failed 'its save' against the frog's kiss 1st attack, so it was pretty easy to simply wear it down with the +50% from there. Trap missed 1st 2 times though.
Perfittb: Terrible Turnip is your friend - but yeah, I've done that too!
Wow. Reading these comments I guess naivete is a good thing! I happened to fly past Dal Crater today as I was levelling my newly-acquired Terrible Turnip along with my level 8 Bombling and level 9 Little Fawn. Saw this pet and thought, "Lofty Libram", I bet this is the only place to get this. Captured a UC on my 1st fight and got about 8 others before getting a rare on fight 9 in about 1/2 an hour.
I've seen comments about Crimson Expanse so I thought I'd write up my experience.
Encountered a rare fairly early on CE but it suicided (I didn't check here first!) and couldn't find another all morning. Got frustrated and got Topaz, Amethyst, AND Emerald Hatchlings (boy, was Emerald a long hunt!) and returned to find it the same as after I'd cleared the entire shelf AND Halcyon Egress - as others have described FULL of crimson hatchlings! May end up leaving this and returning later.