Crowclaw's Comments
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You get Toothy, Chuck, Muckbreath and Snarly from the Crocs in the City quest. It is a random daily quest from Old Man Barlo north east of Shattrath. I've noticed after getting a few of these buckets to drop, the drop rate drastically decreases from the 50% to next to nothing. I noticed they can now also be bought using Timewarped Badges earned from Timewalking dungeons from Cupri in Shattrath.
Got one on my first fight with Kura Thunderhoof 2-24-2015. It appears to be H/H with 165 health, 10 power and 10 speed at level 1 rare.
Sharktaco, the Leatherhide Runt you found is B/B. 4 of the 6 moves these guys have are speed based, so when are we going to get some with some speed?
In my opinion the best looking new pet, and I think there are some good ones. I noticed it only comes with 240 speed which is a bummer for sleeping gas but still a cool looking pet with a heal.
I found this pet very useful using armor plating, rabid strike and metal fist. Since he works so well I obtained a P/P, S/S and P/S. I think P/P and S/S are must haves and you should try those out first before deciding what breed you want for your 3rd.
I suggest grabbing the P/P version for max power, but also grab a B/B breed. It has the most speed of all the bear cubs and will allow you to use Bash ability more often. The Dun Murogh cub comes as H/P so you won't need that breed.
The Bloody Coins can be earned in Battlegrounds with the Fire Watcher's buff on. You just need to get the killing blow and the drop rate will be 100%.
A locust is a type of grasshopper, not a roach. They need to change the appearance of this one, especially because we don't need any more roach pets.
Once I read about getting a pet using the scrying stones I began to use them and search for glimmering chests. I got Sandcastle to spawn on the first stone but no pet drop. On the second stone Sandcastle spawned after about 7 chests and Sandkeep dropped. The stones only last 3 minutes so it usually runs out during the fight.