Crotchshot's Comments
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Comments by Date (5)
1-5 of 5
Sorry to see you go.... Best of luck and thanks so much for your hard work over the years....
Posted: January 05, 2016 10:41:12 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Would love to be able to eventually get these pets
Posted: December 08, 2013 1:58:14 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
Re: Alterac Brew-Pup
When does the pup actually become available?
Posted: November 01, 2013 9:00:28 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
Re: Unborn Val'kyr
Got mine this morning ... In the Crystalsong Forest...spawn site nearest to the city...Used NPC Scan with ID 71163 Took her down easily with Clockwork Gnome...3 fist hits had her down to 73 health and easily "caged" in 2 tries...She never tried any "specialized" attacks at all...
Happy Hunting!
Posted: August 22, 2013 10:20:40 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-5 of 5
Huge shout out to Alliance Guild Inversion (US - Ravencrest/Uldaman)
You guys rock! Welcomed me in to get this Deathwatch Hatchling, one of the few in game pets I was missing... These are som super nice folks with hearts of gold...I can't thank you enough =) If I didn't alread raid on Muradin/Nordrassil...I would def look you guys up and hang out... =) Take care and thank you all again!