Crazyparrotlady's Comments
(30) comments by Crazyparrotlady

Comments by Date (30)
This bird looks most likely to be a white rumped vulture or even possibly a black vulture or Andean condor!
This reminds me of a golden stag beetle
This lil bunny seems to be a reference to the killer rabbit of Caerbannog from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
This lil fella is a blue and gold macaw and a great depiction of one! (except for not being zygodactyl - they lack the signature two toes forwards two toes backwards parrots normally have in WOW)
This cool plant looks to be a sort of moth orchid
This plant looks like a mix between a venus fly trap and a pitcher plant (or even just a bendable pitcher plant with tooth-like protrusions)
This bird seems to be based off on a golden eagle which is a large bird of prey.
These little guys despite the name aren't hedghogs and rather porcupines and are from different orders of animals, hedgehogs being eutipotyphlans and porcupines being rodents.
Despite being named a senegal, this bird does not resemble a senegal parrot very much. Senegal parrots have a grey head, a green body and a yellow underside. A senegal parrot has the world record for bird tricks in two minutes and they are quieter than other parrots, being a poicephalus. That probably doesn't count for much for a non-parrot owner they are loud, haha!
This little fella is based off an indian peafowl and despite the name has the appearance of a mature adult male. Peachicks are brown.
This cutie seems to be based off of parasaurolophus.
This lil guy looks to be a strawberry poison dart frog. The toxin on their skin was used to cover blow darts by Native Americans hence the name
This cutie seems to be a Neapolitan mastiff. As you can probably imagine by their flews (the bits hanging around their face) they drool a lot!
This cutie appears to be inspired by a plate-billed mountain toucan
This cutie is a red eyed tree frog and has such great detailing in that it has the blue on the side. The only difference seems to be this red eyed tree frog in WoW doesn't have the red eyes haha!
This fish seems to be based off of a koi, specifically the ochiba shigure variant which translates into "Autumn leaves on water". Their spots are less red and are instead orange/gold and their primary colour is greyer than what you may typically think of when you hear koi.
This wonderful little fella resembles a Javan green peafowl (he has the plumage of an adult male, babies are brown and get more green as they mature) with a blue-ish tail instead of a green tail
This guy seems to resemble a goliath beetle or even a box elder beetle
This cutie pie is based off of a koopa troopa. He's just adorable!
I like this one because when my worgen has the glyph of the sentinel it matches!