Cparle87's Comments
(6) comments by Cparle87

Comments by Date (6)
Can be found as a primary in the waterways between the Heart of the Forest and the Hibernal Hollow.
In the hotfixes today. This rare has finally been hotfixes to actually drop loot.
If you've been doing pet battles for any length of time quality 150% doesn't matter, you'll always be able to buy a stone to upgrade it. I'm just glad it doesn't come in multiple breeds so I need to blow charms on it until I get the one(s) I want.
In the name of all that is holy, do not use lil rag or spirit of the forge or any other beatstick elemental in your first two slots. Enemy will go first, hammer you, and swap in your second pet. Then he'll go first again, hammer again, swapping back to your first pet. Two of your pets will be beaten to death without being able to land a blow. Save Raggy for cleanup in third slot, making sure your first two pets are at least 242 or faster.
Absolutely obliterates the legendary pet Cursed Spirit. It uses fel corruption, you use howl. It uses ghostly bite, you use vengeance. Then finish it off with your choice of flurry or bite.
Just got this cutie. Somewhere around my 15th orb while trying for the day's provis key.