Covetius' Comments
(4) comments by Covetius

Comments by Date (4)
1-4 of 4
Re: Unborn Val'kyr
haunt is ridiculously overpowered. it dodges attacks, like burrow, it switches out like feign death. i'm glad they made this pet a pain to find.
Posted: December 29, 2013 5:11:33 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: -2
Re: Anubisath Idol
this guy rocks. he is no joke on the battle field. sure he can be beat down by some undeads, but against any random pet, he has the upper hand. demolish is a must. he is an egyptian DOG!
Posted: December 29, 2013 5:10:10 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
Re: Murkalot
murkalot has few weakness and ALOT of potential to do damage and help his friends, he is a bit overpowered. go blizzcon 2013.
Posted: December 29, 2013 5:08:01 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
1-4 of 4
this guy is a bit gimmickish. a one trick pony that does arcane storm and mana surge. i wish he was more flexible.