Cobug2018's Comments
(13) comments by Cobug2018

Comments by Date (13)
Found the Flat-Tooth Calf in Talador, Cords. 53.4, 82.2 He was a primary RARE
Found this Silkbead Snail in Draenor, Talador. He was a secondary RARE. Cords. are 42.0, 55.1
I found this RARE Long-Tailed Mole as a secondary on the "Jaguero Isle" Cords are: 64.4, 86.1 good luck in your search!
Got very lucky with the Crimson Geode. Found a Rare on my first try. Location for the Rare was 62.5, 16.4 in Deepholm. Good Luck on your adventure!
I found the Crimson Shale Hatchling as a secondary pet. I was looking for the Stowaware Rat when I stumbled on this find. This pet was a Rare, The location is 58.2, 68.4
Found a Rare Gold Beetle located west of Caverns of Time. Cords. 57.8, 49.1
Found a Rare southwest of "The Cursed Landing" Cords. 79.6, 63.5
Found a rare as a secondary pet. North west of the Obelisk of the Moon. Cords. are: 28.5, 6.8
Found mine as a secondary. He was a level 23, Rare. His location was in Stormheim at 66.2, 40.02
Found a level 23 Rare at 55.5, 46.0 Just to the east of the Skyhorn flight path. He was a secondary pet.
Found a secondary rare at Krasarang Wilds, at cords. 47.7, 47.7 I believe this general area is called Crane Wing Refuge...
Got very lucky, found two on Kota Peak this morning 8:34 EST. First was poor, but second was rare.
I finally found this RARE Parched Lizard after looking at all the spots. The Cords. are 40.7, 75.4
Might take you a few trips to the areas to find on, but don't give up... Good Luck...