Cirdan's Comments
(28) comments by Cirdan

Comments by Date (28)
Love this little guy, Extra plating, Rabid strike and Trash is a great combo.
I have to level my engineer and make one of these.. in addition to looking awesome he got one of the most interesting battle abilities I`ve seen.
Don`t let his cute looks fool you, the little fellow packs a MEAN punch with the wind-up ability.
Yep, I snuck into nelf homeland last night (I`m Horde) and got my Rare of this one and the Fawn. Took about 20 tries of both. Btw I always use a macro to see if they are rare as the battle starts. If not I either wave the white flag to save time, or kill them for more pet XP.
Plan to team this fellow with my Dark Whelpling, use Call Darkness, swap and Nocturnal Strike is 100% hit.
His Build Turret ability is probably my favorite pet attack. Awesome :)
Start the quest chain with an alt and once you get the egg you can have both the pre-ZG and post-ZG versions of her out at the same time. In ST that is ofc.
Was farming for a rare one in Durathar, gave up because of few spawns and found out Orgrimmar is full of them.
They are also found in Undercity among the rats and roaches.
Have you noticed this little fella can do Beast Damage, Dragonkin Damage, Undead Damage, Magic Damage, Flying Damage AND Elemental Damage? He is the ultimate versatile damage dealer for pet battles.
(edit) Got it today, maybe the patch had something to do with it. My 100th pet :D
I am going to level my Goblin Engineer just to get this pet and the feeling of accomplishment of having crafted the destroyer myself. Once I am done grinding for the Sea Turtle on my main that is. Soon I hope...
Okay, got both the Destroyer and the Sea Turtle. Next is the Ghost Iron Dragonling. :))
Finally got a rare after THREE DAYS of hunding in the Jade Forest.. leveled my Rogue from 88 to 90 just on those pet battles.
Grove Vipers, Garden Frogs and Jumping Spiders have a chanse of Jungle Darters appearing as 2nd or 3rd pet. I got mine of a Grove Viper just east of Pearlfin Village.
Bring a Terrible Turnip to catch this one, you don`t want to risk loosing a rare to an unlucky crit, plus their healing can mess with caging attempts.