Cihlicz's Comments
(6) comments by Cihlicz

Comments by Date (6)
Humanoids cant stand his AoE, great pet!
This was my very first pet to be at 25. I wasnt in pet-battles at all, then I got prett random 25level boost from garrison, my friends suggest me to boost this one and I couldt be happier. He is a critter slayer and helped me level literaly my all other pets to 25 in a blink of an eye. This one will forever be in my heart like the special one. He was my one way ticket to pet battles, he is my hero, and now I am hook in pet battling af.
This one is leterally unkillable by many. Love him!
I wasnt sure about him, until I got him and bring him in a battle. Damn, he saved my ass couple times. Not really fun to play, but effectivness is overwhelming.
This pet is a must-have! Breed in not that big deal if you are not going for goat setup, its really strong and powerfull 99% of time. I love it.
Realy decent flying pet. Got P/P breed and he can do some serious damage.