Chumana's Comments
(2) comments by Chumana

Comments by Date (2)
1-2 of 2
Re: Magical Crawdad
This is my go-to pet for nearly every PVE battle and absolutely for training my other pets. If I manage the heals correctly, I never have to bandage, go to a stable master or use "revive" at all. She can solo most level 25 teams (occasionally have issues with the epic hard hitters) - not quickly, mind...she's not a big damage dealer, but because I can count on how much she'll hit for, she's perfect for capturing as well. Patience is required at times...but slow and steady has won many races for me.
Posted: October 08, 2018 12:43:15 PM
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Rating: 0
1-2 of 2
Finally got my rare Fjord rat in Wyrmskull as the third in a pack of three. Barely beat the Daggercap Hawk to it - thought somebody was joking about those being an issue, evidently they weren't.