Chocajules' Comments
(4) comments by Chocajules

Comments by Date (4)
My favourite mechanical pet, ideal for beating down those beasts!! Bombing run, decoy and missile make short work of almost all of them. It is frustrating that the multi attacks like mothballs and swarm destroy the decoy in one go but hey can't have everything. Toughest foe he faces is the monkey in the darkmoon daily but more often than not Robert the darkmoon Zeppelin is the victor!! Well worth saving the tickets and levelling.
I fell lucky with a blue P/P - all I wanted was a blue and it took some time to find her amid the geys and common in Dustwallow.
She and my emerald whelp form the base of my levelling team, they can take down pretty much anything in the wild making them ideal to level up that third low level pet.
One of my very favourite pets, combined with another level 25 he is awesome for levelling lower level pets, his magic bite is excellent against flying pets and a heal is always handy. He's standard in several of my set ups!
Pet spawned dead on midnight server time, green paws scattered across the courtyard of the meeting stone for AQ and right up to the entrance of AQ40. Wasn't lucky enough to get a rare first time but will go back when it quietens down unless I get a stone as I was lucky enough to get the commen version of the breed I wanted.
Grats all zookeepers!!