Chinimasse's Comments
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1-4 of 4
Nearly 16000 whelps later and i finally got him!!!!! Took a bit over 30 hours and i've collected more then 20 whelps which will fetch a pretty amount in the end! :D
Posted: May 24, 2012 3:53:26 PM
Edits: 5
Rating: +1
Re: Firefly
400 kills and he dropped. Very fast one only had to grind him for 70-80 minutes! =) BTW, if anyone is gonna go looking for pets off of drops its a good idea to go with a druid. Instant flight makes it very fast!Key 1 : Flight Form
Key 2 : A Macro with /target pet
Key 3 : Instant spell
You'll be filling your bags in no time!
Posted: January 04, 2012 3:22:28 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
I got this little guy after 2 hours in angerfang encampment area killing the Dragonmaw guys. Good loot for money and they spawn fast since there's many of them! :)
Posted: December 22, 2011 3:48:52 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-4 of 4
I noticed right away these little guys hang out with the Barrens Giraffe. I found it much easier with them to make a macro /target Barrens Giraffe and spam it as I flew around. When you target a group of them you'll most likely find a calf running alongside! :D