Chibimage's Comments
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In Highmountain inside one of the quest areas for the Drogbar (I believe that I am remembering that correctly) there is a whole area for snails and racing in the back - a racetrack and finish line, everything - it's adorable. I bet this is where we get our Zoom somehow. I'll go back there and see if anything has changed :)
You also need to pay for 2 months subscription to get the RAF rewards. Just buying a battlechest does not do it.
This is the happiest thing I've read on the Internet in a while. Thanks for sharing this charming story and brightening all our days :) I sort of want to go get Grannyglee every single dungeon pet she doesn't have. If she was on a US server, I'd totally do that. :)
Yeah, like I said, you don't need the Secrets to craft the Engineering pets at all if you don't have the profession. They don't sell the recipes, they are just on the building automatically. There are no "Secrets" acquired if you do not have Engineering - you just need a level 2 Engineering shack.
I've done this on the beta and I made all the pets with a toon that had Alchemy and Herbalism.
Did you write this awhile ago? There are no more secrets required for the recipes. The Engineering pets can be made by anyone without the profession at all, you just need the building.
Rubyfeather and Kaliri Hatchling are actually purchsed off a vendor right now in the beta -- Vesharr, the Master Pet Tamer for Spires of Arak sells them. The quality varies with purchase, so I just kept buying them until I got two rares.
This is of course all subject to change. :)
So think a crowdfund to send Grannyglee to Blizzcon (with her daughters of course) is something we should do!! :)