Cheeseburger's Comments
(2) comments by Cheeseburger

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Arctic Fox Kit
Can anyone tell me how often does it snow in the Storm Peaks? I pass there every day but it never snows. The Arctic Fox Kit is the last pet I need to complete the "Safari of Northrend" achievement, so this little information would help me a lot!
PS: Do I have to wait for Christmas?
Posted: June 09, 2014 5:23:12 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-2 of 2
I know that to achieve this pet, I have to complete the ancients missions, travel to the Molten Front and then, buy it. The thing is that I already have the mission (not done) to start it (the mission which tells you to go to help some people in Mount Hyjal), but I can't do it, cause when I look for the location of mission in the map, it doesn't say anything.. Could it be because I only have the Cataclysm expansion or do I have to do anything special?