Charise's Comments
(3) comments by Charise

Comments by Date (3)
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Re: Disgusting Oozeling
I got this pet today after about 4 hours of farming between last night and today. I got it on my 147 Oozling bag. I tried a few locations, Wetlands, feralas, and silth, but found that the best hunting ground is def Swamp of Sorrows. There are aprox 34 oozes to kill here if you do the full circuit. I'm estimating that it took me in the neighbourhood of 1100-1200 mobs (based on vendor trash) to get it. Better drop rate than some, but fustrating needing that bag loot as well.
Posted: November 02, 2011 1:36:29 PM
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I got this to drop for me on my 219th kill (I've dl the rarity add-on to track for me). If you are into rep achievements I do recommend throwing on your Gilneas' tabard as someone else suggested and killing "two dinos with one instance" hehe
Good luck those still hunting!
Good luck those still hunting!
Posted: October 28, 2011 5:32:22 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Black Tabby Cat
hmm I'm at 1129 attempts now to get this (dl the rarity add-on just so I could see for kicks lol). I had read on wowhead that the yeti's had the best drop rate but just not wanted to hand it over. Anyone know of a good place for an allied to go that has a fairly decent population with quick respawns so you aren't running around all day?On the plus side, i think i've cornered the market in wool, linen and tin ore haha
Posted: October 24, 2011 7:40:33 PM
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