Centori's Comments
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Found 2 as main pets at 41:10
You can find the count at 57:43. He can be woken up for 99 infused rubies and will grant you the count's pendant.
I found that these come up as secondaries from the moonshell crabs so the best way I found, was to go to the moonlit shore and search through the moonshell crabs which are always primary there. They are also killable so you can check quickly and get them to reset rather fast.
Moonfang spawns on the northwest corner of the island. It's on a 1 hour spawn timer. Little adds will spawn all over the island kill those and then it will yell zone wide that the larger add is spawning kill it and then yells zone wide again when moonfang spawns and at some point it spawns tons of little adds which persist through death.The drop rate seems good. Guildy and myself both got on the second kill.Seems to spawn in the same location every time and is tradeable.
Took about 20 nests for me. These are by the area next to the beach around the trees. They look like well little nests :D Fortunately most people seem to pull the cranes and not touch the nests. IF there are cranes up they will aggro to you after looting the nest so beware!
So I'm pretty positive I figured out the phasing issue because it's so close to the shoreline it could be affected by the dominance offensive. Also it could be if you haven't completed all the quests in the zone. I tried on a toon that hadn't done either and I had the same problem as everyone else and then went on a toon that had completed both and there was no phasing issue at all. So give it a try and see what happens! Was able to finally get one.
The only thing i can suggest to make this more bearable since I didn't get a rare until 40-50th battle is pop a lesser pet treat, put on your safari hat and a good movie and start leveling lvl 1 pets, they got to lvl 6 then lvl 7-10 in 1-3 battles. I got at least 10 pets leveled to 10 and a few to 18. Since there is no way to make this grind better.. at least you can get some leveling out of the way!
Farming the Scalded Basilisk Hatchling is the absolute way to go here. You can get all the pets that come from this zone as secondaries beside the cogblade raptor. While farming I saw 2 of the Basilisks as rares, a squirrel and a rock viper and about 10-15 battles in I got a rare! Also instead of just checking them and moving on I decided to level some pets. Lvl 1 pets will go up to lvl 5 lvl 7 and then 1 lvl a battle from there on out. So it's an awesome way to complete some achievs. The cave only produced a few.
I would say don't give up on this pet. I believe my realm has been buggy as well. Multiple attempts during different sandstorms have been made. 12a server time a sandstorm started and 2 hours later I finally was able to get one. The spawned near the edges for me(the gaping chasm) primarily but a few did spawn in the middle. I would suggest being considerate to those looking for this since obviously there is some sort of issue with crz. Good luck!
I can confirm that the pattern for this pet drops from treasure of the vale, which is the reward you get from the last daily for the golden lotus. It takes 3 wild jade and 3 spirit of harmony to make. I do believe the pattern is still a world drop though.
I found this video helpful since I wasn't entirely sure where I needed to be. I waited a week before the quest ever showed up and saw my npc scan go off 3 times before the daily underground economy was available from ricket(inside the crumbling depths) (you cannot see her when the quest isn't available). You cannot track her from above as a hunter or with any buff. You have to into the cave to find her. After I got the quest I followed the instructions!
After about 5-6 days of farming (1-2k kills total) from anywhere from 1-3 hours it finally dropped after 130 kills. I was so excited to finally see it! I thought it was just a myth for a while. I did make about 2500 gold off of leather and saw terror spinner twice.
So pleased to get the anniversay pets!