Cendir's Comments
(20) comments by Cendir

Comments by Date (20)
Dropped in Whispering Reef
Green (uncommon) on the vendor, but blue (rare) once you stick it in journal.
Mob is about 100m north of the new Baby Zandalari Raptors in The Feeding Grounds. If you're looking for the new pet, you'll likely see this guy on radar if he's up. Not sure on drop chance, got him first try. Pops in Journal as an Uncommon (green) not Rare (blue).
What a pita to find these (as pets - they seem to usually spawn as non-pets). I accidently had some great luck finding my rares as secondaries to Thornclaw Broodlings in Suramar. The Broodlings only spawn in a small(ish) area and the Sandpipers are pretty reliable as secondaries. If you get frustrated elsewhere, give this a try.
Saw 2 between 1 and 2 am server time. Both rare of course, as that appears to be the only way they spawn. And having only 1 breed means if you see one, you're done, which is sweet.
In case you were wondering like I was, yes you can kill these and another random of the 3 Halloween pets will insta respawn. Had quite a pile of bodies looking for rares.
Also received this pet from Heroic Molten Cay Island Expedition
These did indeed spawn about 4 minutes after 11pm PST (and presumably 9pm PST, but I wasn't there). Fireworks went off at about 11:02, got the achievemnt at 11:03, and these spawned at about 11:04. I stood at /way 71 33 and sure enough one popped a few feet away. Was lucky enough to get it as there were 20+ people wandering around the beach waiting for them (even in late 2018). Got a rare, couldn't believe my luck - turned out to the be the worst of the 3 breeds. But who cares, one and done, can't beat that!
Also in Drustvar in the Crimson Forest, as primaries
Also found in Drustvar along the NW coast as secondaries, south of the Chapel.
Also appear in Drustvar as secondaries - NW coast, south of the Chapel
Does this come in Rare? I've not seen one yet, and I've been looking for a bit.
*Edit - Did finally find one. I'm not sure if they are rediculously rare or I'm just that unlucky.
Actually no, they are found themselves and as adds to a lot of different pets in the zone.
If you don't have the rep for this pet, DO NOT buy it from from Battle Pets tab on the AH, only buy the caged version. The latter you can learn sans faction, the former you cannot. Learned this the hard way =/
Duskwood seems by far the best place to find these - they are really common. They are also unfortunately low level, but if you are looking for a certain breed, I could go there.
It appears these can spawn as an add with anything (or just about anything) in the zone at any time of day. I saw lots of them as adds to Small Frogs, Skunks, Dusk Spiderlings, Rabbits, etc, between the in-game hours of 11am-6pm. That is how I got my two rares.
I never saw them spawn on their own, but perhaps THAT is what requires nightfall.
I should imagine people use stones to make them rare.
I got 3 rares as adds while trying for the Scalded Basilisk Hatchlings - the only rares of this I ever saw. If nothing else, they seem much more common as adds to the Hatchlings than anything else I tried in the zone.
I got this on my 14th cast just 40 ft to the left of the docks. Not sure it's worth the effort to try and find some special fishing location.
Dropped in Whispering Reef