Carpeverpa's Comments
(8) comments by Carpeverpa

Comments by Date (8)
Without a doubt the creepiest looking battle pet in existence. He puts Willy to shame.
The Battle Pet BreedID addon has a bug that shows a P/P version of this pet. This is not backed up by any other source that I can find, and wowhead lists breed 8 as the only possible breed (P/S), so don't concern yourself too much with trying to find the nonexistent P/P. :P
Sandstorm right now on Stormreaver US.
Flew around the entire hive on the western edge of Tanaris and only found one rare (H/H). Went to the other hive at the southeast side and the sandstorm is indeed zone wide. Hopefully will find an H/P rare.
On very rare occasions I have seen these as secondaries in Krasarang Wilds. I don't know if this is something that changed after release of WoD, but I kid you not I have seen them. The character that I level battle pets with has never even done the Domination Point quest line so there's really no other explanation for it.
The big downside of this pet is that it comes in four different breeds and you can't release any of them. As such, it makes those of us hardcore pet collectors try to pursue the best one (which I would assume would be S/B seeing as how it is a flyer), but hopefully you don't have bad enough luck to get three B/B chickens. I'm stuck with two B/B chickens but at least on the third try I got a P/B. Still would be nice to have a S/B one. :(
Awesome job Grannyglee, you put my collection to shame! Just curious though, is there a reason you chose an EU server if you live in the states?
There are still P/S breeds of this pet available. Didn't take me long at all to find one (found mine on Fenris Isle). The biggest difficulty is finding a natural rare, but with the increased accessibility to battle stones, that is trivial. I just found the first P/S and will battle stone him later. Many Blighted Squirrels at Fenris Isle and along the waterfront to the west. Happy Hunting! :D
Okay people enough with the "WTF I DONT GET IT?! WHY THIS RANKED" comments. This game is many years old and so is this site, and changes happen that aren't reflected in nearly a decade of user submitted votes. Unborn Val'kyr at one time was the most sought after catchable pet in the entire game. It was supremely OP. Blizz nerfed it into the ground and it's no longer OP. End of story. Voting it down is the only way to remove it from the top ranks.