Carolyne's Comments
(9) comments by Carolyne

Comments by Date (9)
While I was farming for lion meat in Southern Barrens, a lonely giraffe calf walked into my view. I already had a green one, so I clicked on it just out of idle curiosity, and maybe since it was basically asking to be bagged. Turned out it was a rare! I happened on three more within the next five minutes, but none was rare.
Finally got my rare as a secondary after a poor one inside Everlook. I already had begun to doubt they even exist as rares, particularly since literally every other pet in Winterspring was very easy to find as rare; I got most of them twice or even three times.
Finally got my rare one outside Everlook today. I already thought they didn't exist as rares, as I've tried for two days. I got literally every other pet in Winterspring at least once as rare, but most twice, during this time (and the Robo-Chick even three times), but not this one. I was quite happy when it finally happened. Mechanicals are just cool. :-)
While questing around Everlook in Winterspring I got three rares of these within just one day (I released an uncommon one to capture the third rare, a first for me!). Together with several other rares of other pets in this zone, but not an Anodized Robo Cub. - Edit: I got a fourth rare as secondary to a poor one. Had to release one of my rares - traded a H/S for a P/B, as I didn't have one with power yet. In any case, I've never seen a pet so easy to get as rare.
Stumbled over the nest quite accidentally, i.e. the mouse-over just popped up on my screen. :-)
I have (I had?) this policy of considering only uncommon and rare pets worthy of capture. So when I chanced upon a "poor" Minfernal along the road while questing, I quite innocently killed it. I was aghast to learn afterwards from a friend who is a veteran pet collector that I had killed a pet that's considered rather difficult to get! I walked the place for about half an hour ... no Minfernal. So stupid. Went back this morning and happened upon a "common" H/H within a minute! I feel better now!
I just happened to be riding through the area and when I saw these funny things decided to try my luck. There were five or so around. The second one was rare. :-)
I got my rare P/P in an epic battle in Dustwallow Marsh that killed two of my pets and brought the third to 20 health against the backup pet. It was only the second of these I ever fought, so I consider this a good find. It was also the first rare pet I ever captured in the wild.
Completely accidental drop from a Sea Elemental at the coast of Feralas. I had no idea this guy even existed and was quite surprised not only by the egg but also by the fact that it produced a rare battle pet when I opened it. And he looks cute. :-)