Cariosus' Comments
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They are back! Started spawning at midnight on Tuesday, June 21, 2016.
After spending almost 2 months looking for an Unborn Valkyr, the WoW gods smiled on me, for once, and I found my Minfernal on my first trip looking. Took me about 15 realm hops and 30 minutes. I don't recall the exact server on which I found her, but I know it was one of the realms listed for new players on the login server list. On each server, I made a quick circuit of the area hitting each known spawn point, then hopped again. I found her a little before noon on a Tuesday. Good luck hunting!
Bloodbeak is one of the more useful PvP pets captured in the wild. It's a cannon that can bring the 1000+ crits, easily turning the tide of a match.
Bone Serpent is fantastic in both PvE and PvP. I have the H/H, S/S, and P/S breeds, and all get used frequently. S/S is used mainly for PvP, but if sustained damage through Bone Barrage / Death and Decay is the primary roll being played, I prefer P/S for the extra damage. Sure, the speed loss can potentially be detrimental the first round, but the power lasts even when Bone Serpent is on the back row or dead.
Highly recommended pet!
I really wanted to like Giant Bone Spider, but the life return abilities are insufficient to give it the survivability necessary to make it a top battle pet. I occasionally use for PvE pet battles, but only in battles where any other undead would also suffice. Tarr the Terrible is the only fight that comes to mind where Giant Bone Spider even comes up as a viable possibility.
I agree with Tekulve2012 completely. Nightshade Sproutling is easily in my top 3 must used PvP pets. He can counter Graves with well timed Blinds, and his Lash eats through Mechs. 5 Stars easily in PvP!
My pet collection is my toolbox, and Idol is my hammer. He's not flashy. He doesn't have have game-breaking abilities. However, he gets the job done.
With high survivability and moderate damage, Idol fits perfectly in my capture teams and pet teams leveling teams. He can control a fight and can solo most wild teams if needed. Easily my most used pet. If you are just starting to collect, Idol is my #1 recommendation.
MPD epitomizes individual balance that lends itself to team synergy.
Not only are MPD's offensive abilities a mix of dragonkin, flying, elemental, and mechanical, but also consist of a single-traget direct, single-target delayed unavoidable, direct-damage with debuff, even-split AOE, and self-sacrificing damage direct. Not to mention Decoy...
MPD can cornerstone a 15-0 pvp battle pet team or thrive as a support pet swapping in to throw a clutch sticky bomb.