Cariea's Comments
(7) comments by Cariea

Comments by Date (7)
1-7 of 7
Re: Strand Crab
I could never find these just milling about in Ashenvale -- the only way I've seen them is partnered with other wild pets. Hopefully this will save you guys from flying around Ashenvale with no luck.
Posted: September 25, 2012 4:11:16 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Creepy Crate
This thing makes the most adorable chirpy growly slurpy noise imaginable. Okay... I know it sounds hard to imagine that. It's like the Cenarion Hatchling mixed with the Panther Cub. Adorable.
Posted: October 20, 2011 1:29:55 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Once you have completed all the quests on the Molten Front, you have access to a total of 31 Marks of the World Tree a day. So you get a new chance to get this every day, and an extra chance after a month. Good luck!
Posted: August 10, 2011 10:03:33 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Panther Cub
Ya know, there really is no indication that Mauti was this little guy's mother... Besides being the troll lady's panther, Mauti is specifically referred to as male by NPCs. Now I feel sorta bad for the panther cub's REAL mommy...
Posted: April 26, 2011 6:14:43 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +2
Re: Lil' Ragnaros
Unfortunately, he does not cause Plump Turkeys to jump to their deaths.
Posted: November 29, 2010 9:48:37 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: +2
Re: Calico Cat
I'm so glad there's a Calico now! She's so adorable... And yes, she is a girl. Male Calicos don't have any orange on them. All the better for Stinker...
Posted: December 09, 2009 8:17:37 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +3
1-7 of 7
If you're having issues finding one, try this: talk to Zidormi, who's just before the bridge to Theramore. Return to the pre-destruction phase and the pets should start showing up.