Bronzedragon's Comments
(14) comments by Bronzedragon

Comments by Date (14)
Battle bots does not need to be up to get this pet, Today that WQ was not up in the assault and I was able to loot my final item to make this pet. Just need to come here in 3 seperate assaults and wait for your battle bot to win.
Battle bots does not need to be up to get this pet, Today that WQ was not up in the assault and I was able to loot my final item to make this pet. Just need to come here in 3 seperate assaults and wait for your battle bot to win.
Toxic bite is a very interesting ability, if you have multiple pets that have dots that will spam to everyone or current pet up, 1 application of this could deal quite a bit of damage. Great Sting or Pheromones + Swarm of Flies forces the oppondent to think about what dot damage to let his pet take for example. As both options will have the pet take alot of damage.
He's a solid aquatic with dragonkin moves. As far as an aquatic dealing damage to elementals alot do it better.
the S/S breed is faster than ikky - however ikky is stronger than any other breed of this. The S/B is the same speed but has hp in place of power and the B/B Breed is both slower and less powerful than ikky. Thus why its rated below, because it is inferior overall. Also unlike ikky it has power moves for the 1 slot, where ikky has a choice. It if had quills or a P/P breed in place of S/S it would be a suitable replacement or another ikky. It does however have an anti human move so there is that.
This is a standard S/S Breed. 1400 hp at level 25, 260 attack, 325 speed.
Managed to find one of these in island, 151 hp, 10 power, 14 speed at level 1.
Got lucky and got one, level 1 stats are 12 power, 9 speed, 164 health. will edit if i remember to when i get it to level 25 and this isn't updated. Rare quality as well.
Mine was a H/P breed.
Low Hp makes Burst's damage kinda low, 40% of under 1.2k hp isn't a whole lot.
Obtained one, looks like a B/B Breed, could be multiple breeds?
Obtained one, looks like a H/P Breed. Could be multiple breeds?
Found one as a main pet by Fort Fogtide
battle wise, not really worth it, 2 moves that benefit from speed (stun going first, survival going first) and zero moves which would be good for a H/H breed pet. Only useful for trample spamming for those pets with a huge health pool to get more tramples than non H/H breed pets for doing just that.
I prefer H/P breed over the darkmoon tonk for using shock and awe and the ion cannon, also a consistant damage means i don't need to think about RNG if i will kill something or need another round i know its a fixed damage. You just get more power and less speed - and the tonk is not exactly relied upon being faster.