Brokentooth's Comments
(3) comments by Brokentooth

Comments by Date (3)
After reading the comments here I parked 3 alts in different zones. Flew around to spawn points, and asked anyone that was camping a spawn point to let me know if one spawned. I ended up spending 18 hours looking for this pet in one sitting. At 6am when the server reset for the dailies I started checking all my parked toons, and there was one waiting for me to capture. Since then I have seen two more of these pets, always at 6am when the dailies for the server reset, I left them for others.
After reading the comments here I decided to go back to the spawn points after our raids were finished for the evening last week, around 11:30pm server time. There were at least 5 or 6 of these guy and they quickly respawned. Took me maybe 25 minutes to get two of the s/s breed.
The Garrisn pet battles were a fun way for me to continue to level up newly captured pets while still being involved with trade and garrison chat. So if the goal was to get me out of the garrison it worked, I won't be spending as much time in wow because no point in trying to level pets in the garrison. 80xp on today's pet battle.. what a joke.