Brianne's Comments
(9) comments by Brianne

Comments by Date (9)
I spent about an hour looking for this guy this morning (roughly 10am server time) and I simply circled around Toshley's (flying through Singing Ridge to Scalewing Shelf and back around to Toshley's). I was the only person there so I saw every spawn during this time. I would say that on average a new Cogblade Raptor spawned approx. one every 3-5 minutes. Nearly all of them were in Scalewing. One popped inside Toshley's and none popped during the Ravager Raid for me.
The best way to farm for your rare version of this guy is to go to the Dragon Wastes in Dragonblight (the area surrounding Wyrmrest Temple). Dragonebone Hatchlings spawn all over that area and they have an incredibly fast respawn time. The Tundra Penguin frequently shows up as a secondary in those fights so you can try over and over again to get a rare and never run out of spawns. Also a good time to pick up an Arctic Hare and Shore Crab :)
An easy way to get your rare version of this pet is to go to Carrion Hill in The Bone Wastes (Terrokar Forest) - 42, 52
Rats spawn ALL OVER that hill and they have an incredibly fast respawn there. These Stripe-Tailed Scorpids often come as secondary pets with the rats, so it's very easy to battle a bunch of them and get as many retries as you need to get a rare one to pop up (all without having to leave this little hill!).
I hate to continue to add info that conflicts with other reports, but after spending a few hours here this morning trying for a rare, I found that I would get new spawns on these guys every 15 minutes (give or take a few mins). Every approx. 15 mins 2-5 new ones would spawn (4:07 server time, 4:25, 4:44, 5:00 and so on). This was consistent for me for several hours (the whole time I was there).
I think there is something to the idea that these are connected to The Tainted Forest spawns. After waiting in the area for them for more than an hour and not seeing a single one, I went over to the forest, killed two spawns and came back and there was a Scorpling freshly spawned (and luckily no one around to get it!). Tried it again and after killing 3 forest spawns, another scorpling spawned.
EDIT: 4 more forest spawns and another Scorpling spawned. Might be something to this
Fantastic tip to check 59,72 in Burning Steppes because on the map it doesn't even look like there is lava there, but it's up there!
EDIT: Seemingly slow respawn timer in that spot! Cleared out that area + made a trip around the zone to check for more. When I returned none had respawned yet. Rinse and repeat for an hour and still no respawns at the 59, 72 spot.
I found quite a few King Snakes south of Agmond's End as well. But the other comments are also right that they seem to come along as secondary pets in battles all over this zone. If you don't have any luck getting your rare around Angor Fortress or Agmond's End, just fly around the zone and battle any of the wild pets. You may get lucky and get a rare King Snake as the secondary!
I found these all over the Plaguewood area of Eastern Plaguelands. These and Infected Squirrels and Festering Maggots were everywhere in that area!
These appear to be more abundant at night. I started my hunt for one yesterday during the afternoon and found none even though no one else seemed to be camping the area for pets. I tried killing critters, clearing other pet battles - nothing. I left after an hour. I returned at roughly midnight server time and there were wisps EVERYWHERE. There must have been more than 15 spawned at a time and I easily encountered several rares (same char both tmes).