Briannah's Comments
(7) comments by Briannah

Comments by Date (7)
1-7 of 7
Re: Bonkers
I have 7 level 90's. On my 5th, using all my coins on each one (average 8000 each not including what I earned back from the chests which I also spent on additional keys) I got the pet. To be fair, on my first toon I bought the 7500 coin pet first so I didn't use ALL her coins on this but on average I am sure I used more than 50000 coins to finally get one:D
Posted: September 14, 2013 3:53:31 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Sea Pony
Took me about 150 casts before I found him....
Posted: December 05, 2011 1:30:23 AM
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Rating: 0
I have gone through the MGT at least 45 times on normal and heroic, only saw it drop once, very first time I went in. Last night my daughter came dancing in my room bragging how she had gotten MY pet on her third run! I was so jealous! LOL! I hadn't tried in a few weeks so took a solo run with an 85 warrior friend of mine on normal, it FINALLY dropped for me! I was sooooo excited! My daughter got about an hour of bragging in before I got mine *grin*. This is my favorite pet by far!
Posted: August 30, 2011 2:59:24 PM
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Rating: -2
Re: Voodoo Figurine
I got this a couple days ago, was my first rare archeology find and I am at level 148. I also did not use any tablets to complete the 100 fragments cause I can't figure out how to get it to work. I actually think I have a glitch cause my guild tried to help me and they couldn't get it either. It was very frustrating when I REALLY wanted this pet! I was thrilled when I finally got it but I don't see me bringing him out much...he does look and walk like at evil gingerbread man! LOL!
Posted: August 07, 2011 8:58:06 AM
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Rating: 0
Re: Strand Crawler
I just got this today from doing the Daily Fishing quest in Darnassus. I am level 80 and my fishing skill is at 440. I have an alt that is a level 10 (I prefer my main), she got it the second time she did the fishing daily in Stormwind so there really is no way to predict when it will pop up, just the luck of the draw...
Posted: August 07, 2011 8:51:59 AM
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Rating: 0
Re: Mr. Grubbs
I just got mine a few minutes ago. After I got the charm, I farmed nearby for a while, maybe 45 minutes, killing grubs, hounds, gargoyles and bats...nothing. I did a bit of research and followed the prevailing advice to go to Zul'Mashar and farm the gravesite. They respawn quickly and as a warlock, I could run around, hit all the graves and cast Rain of Fire, killed everything pretty quickly. After getting there, I would say it took me about 20 minutes to get it to drop. Opened about 25 bags.
Posted: June 21, 2011 2:15:09 AM
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Rating: 0
1-7 of 7
Got this pet today although it seems the armory isn't updating right away or there is some other glitch cause I can't import it yet. At any rate, it took 3 of us to kill the rare, probably could have done it with two but make sure you kill the trash around him first, they will run in.
Pet is similar to the other manafiend types except he is a baby pink, very cute. I immediately got him to 25 but I haven't played with him yet so I can't comment on his abilities.