Brandmooin's Comments
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Gear helps! The mechanics listed in other posts are accurate, but a bump in ilevel from one week to the next put me over the top. So, if she is giving you trouble, grab a friend or boost your damage output so that you burn her down fast in stage 3. Also, be at full health with no striders or naga alive before turning off last pylon. Good Luck! Oh, 482 Ret Paladin.
The Utgarde Catacombs (at 56,49) basement is wonderful for Devouring Maggot collection, if you did not already pick up your rare as a secondary while collecting in Howling Fjord. Surrounded by rapidly respawning zombies (AOE at 85+). As a druid you can stealth in and start the pet battle. Feel free to kill the Devouring Maggots that are not rare, stealth again and grab the respawn - they respawn pretty fast, you won't wait often if you are clearing the floor of pets.
As others have posted, when a pet is as hard to locate as this, if you are not capturing due to quality please log out in battle, rather than kill needlessly. That way you leave the non-rare for the rest of us, and can log back in and battle a new one.
CRZ issue! During a recent crate drop we discovered that when the group is from varied servers the addition of a new person can port the group away from the realm the crate dropped on, and removal of that person does not put the group back with the crate. We lost our crate about 20 minutes in, and they last about an hour now.