Bradipedro's Comments
(8) comments by Bradipedro

Comments by Date (8)
I captured it with alpine foxling (does not hit hard) then xu-fu, did'nt need 3rd pet. I guess you can also use Grumpy + xu-fu
It's a drop from island expeditions. Humanoid with all elemental abilities.
They are also backline pets to all the crabs on the west shores. Battled like 20 plus primary, haven't found a rare yet. Does it even exist in rare ?
He is quite frequent as back up pet for Glutten Bleeden in Nazmir - check out
the red stream around Heart of Darkness. Just found a rare S/B, an uncommon B/B and an uncommon S/B plus another couple of poor various breeds
little experience, little collection but 3.5 rating is underrated. Non just for levelling, but for world quests and Pandaria dailies. You face a beast, you have her, problem solved.
Polly was my first lvl 25, rare, S/S. For acquatics can better than Ikky, don't need the extra speed and her crit always crits (mine at least). She's amazing.
I find him actually quite useful. He's a critter with strong beast abilities, so can be versatile. And he's so lovely :-)
Loliapaulina, I just upvoted you...enthusiasm shall be rewarded