Blue_earth's Comments
(26) comments by Blue_earth

Comments by Date (26)
There are newer models of penguin pets that look sharper and cuter, but I enjoy how foolish this one is. I named mine Cody.
Gives my Hollow Knight vibes, so instantly a favorite of mine.
With a name like Soul of the Forge, and their stocky frame, this pet is very cool beans.
Of the other pets which share this one's appreance, this one I enjoy most. Light enough colored fur to make sure their face is noticable despite their demure size, as well as a green accent which draws the eyes while being noticable from a distance. Truly the best of the 4.
I love their doofy face.
For all the spider pets out there, this one is my favorite. I love their pastel pink accent color.
Love it when this guy goos all over. Highlight of my day when I had him around and suddenly he was gooing all over me and my gryphon.
He is pissed off. There should be more really angry pets. Ideally more angry fish.
Very regal appreance, adore them.
I love Slugs. There should be more slug pets, only like 4 slugs but 1 Billion snail pets. Their abilities are decent. Named mine Gwen.
Inanimate, but with enough movement that you get the feeling it has a personality. Always love these.
They are adorable, got them solo from the dungeon. I wish there were more like this one, where you interact with the pet for a while, and are finally able to keep them after many quests and a dungeon.
I like his design very much, I feel like this design of insect humanoid looking pet is uncommon, they really stand out to me.
The older looking model combined with the white mushrooms on it's back make this beast quite ugly. I find it endearing.
Impossible to dislike this baby. I like to go either Cute Face then Rampage, or Rampage then Hibernate, depends on how strong the opposing pet's attacks are. I named mine Mike.
Mainly raised this pet for my Worgen, for the aesthetic. Turns out they are a powerhouse. Named mine Roxane.
We love a queen that knows what she wants. She doesn't have any useless abilities, undead so she'll always get her last laugh, and just gorgeous while doing it all. I named her Claire.
I like having them summoned for my Warlock. Decent in battle, Drain Power, then Focused Beams makes for some good reliable damage. Plus Dark Rebirth is nice if you're smart enough to plan for it, even better since their a magic pet and can't get 1 or 2 shot. I named mine Simon.
Love her, she's perfect. Loved seeing her grown up more in Dragonflight.
I wanted this one for my Hunter, I have 2 gryphon hunter pets and wanted this one to bring a third into the mix. Surprised there aren't more gryphon pets.