Birdloveramy's Comments
(3) comments by Birdloveramy

Comments by Date (3)
Ok so I'm not sure what the spawn rate on this guy is- but its not impossible. I fought Moonfang 10 times today and got 3 moon moons. You can have multiple ones in your bags unlike all the other items she drops and you can sell extras by caging it. Also, I found if you are having trouble looting her, as long as you can click her once, (even if nothing shows up in your loot window) you'll get a message in the mail from the post master saying you forgot something with the item you won.
After reading the previous comments, I looked around Scalewing Shelf. Nada. Not one happy little green pawprint to be seen. I circled around repeatedly (as did 5 other players obviously looking for the same thing) and there- right beside Toshley Station- one cogblade raptor. It was a rare. If you are Horde, I recommend circling around death's door and scalewing shelf. Be careful about hovering over Toshley s those guards are persistent. It took me an hour but one did eventually show. Happy Hunting!
After leveling up my cooking to 700, getting the Draenor Angler Achieve, and making about 20 stacks of feasts, I made 20 stacks of 20 each of the "delicious" recipes. It dropped on my last Sleeper Surprise. It's much cheaper than trying to make oodles of expensive feasts, and all the comments I've read so far back up the theory that he drops just as often off the green delicious recipes.