Bigjon's Comments
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Comments by Date (14)
Great back up pet with the right combination. Kill dragons and Teroclaw with ease.
The SS version is really an awesome battler. Sleep, darkness and sneak attack are pretty damaging to a slower adversary. And yes it can be tricky when your picky in the Dalaran sewers.
Nice to see a super fast undead that has haunt. The SS breed of fiendish imp is in trouble =).
This critter is pretty good paired up with Kovok and healing pet combo. A very underrated pet.
Finally got him after 3 grueling weeks of waiting for Celestial battlers. Pretty strong little guy teamed with Graves and Mechanical dragon and either most quit or got annihilated.
Him and Graves on the same team will be an annihilation.
Awesome against aquatics and everything else slower then him.
Dropped after 20 tries and have won a few pvp battles with him already.
The promotion is still going on because I got it today after 3 long days of playing with Diablo. Super cool and strong.
Finally finished the tournament and boy is he worth it. The critter destroyer for sure and he looks really sweet. Chi Chi your next :)
Got it from the southwest islands. Took me about an hour of farming.
Confirmed using hunter and Chimaera. Thank you Desdanova
Got mine in the underwater cave after about 20 cast.
The P/P version is very strong. His immolation paired with black claw makes him even more deadly and portal goes first making him a frustrating opponent for certain faster undeads. One of the better investments on the auction house if he does not drop.