Bigcced2's Comments
(6) comments by Bigcced2

Comments by Date (6)
Relatively easy pet to catch nowadays. Worth the trip.
Just bought the stuffed animal from the Blizzard Store (U.S.) yesterday. Received my digital pet code by email later same day. I'm surprised this isn't sold out, they are already selling the pet on ebay for upwards of 50.00. The store price was a little more than 25.00 with tax and shipping.
HAHA - First comment.Snatched this level 1 pet off the trading Post. Its one of the more visually appealing pets I've seen. Plus it speaks.Warcraftpets needs to correct their post,the page says no sound,no Interactivity. Soon as I bought Bluedoo I took him stright to Panda Land - The Arboretum and teamed him up with one of my level 25 leveling pets - the Blossoming Ancient. In only a few minutes I had a level 25 Bluedoo. I have been parading this guy around ever since.
Now in rotation on the Trading Post.
Pretty sure they say you can have 3 because there are 3 different types.That means you can have 1 Chillbot,1 Thrillbot,and 1 Killbot not 3 of each type.
Some parts of the quest chain were easy, some were not. I died many times attempting to get this pet. Lack of oxygen, fatigue,and attempting to kill the Great Mua'Kin. SMH.