Bellamorda's Comments
(5) comments by Bellamorda

Comments by Date (5)
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! Love Murkidan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to get him!!! NOW!! *Throws my money at Blizz*
I hate the spores, I wish they would stop with those.
I was camping this in Icecrown for a friend and since she did not do the quests in the area, she couldnt see it. She was so frustrated! I still had a 3rd slot available for her so I tamed it but a few days later we found another for her in Icecrown as well. My only other big petpeeve are people who see you are clearly battling pets, and then when you leave the battle to change a pet, they jump in and steal it. This is happening with many different pets. STOP At least ask first before jumping in!
Sadly now the competition in Pandaria for leveling pets will be ridiculous and will have to level pets at an ungodly hour of the night just to get one hour of leveling in. I'll still do the daily so I may get my stones but I agree with the others when it comes to how unnecessary it was to nerf these pets especially since it only took a little effort to do it the way it was intended. Congrats to all those people who whined about how they cant get their achievements because they hate the menagerie
Dear Blizz, Please don't make me grind all three specs to level 52, Broken Shores, and class mount. I'm already exhausted trying to just get all my alts to 110. Thanks.