Belexiniaa's Comments
(2) comments by Belexiniaa

Comments by Date (2)
1-2 of 2
After running Kara on 7 toons two weeks in a row with only 3 pets drops total (everything but this bugger), I decided to just buy this one. I mean seriously, I had the MOUNT drop and not this thing -_-. Got a P/P breed from the ah though, which is what I wanted anyway. So to those of you still farming this little bugger good luck.
Posted: June 03, 2013 2:25:03 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-2 of 2
Totally had a brain fart and forgot to get this guy this year...*sigh*...well, at least now I have a reason other than getting the last Shat pet for the get all 3 achievement to do Children's Week next year.