Beezledrop's Comments
(21) comments by Beezledrop

Comments by Date (21)
The cinder pup is awesome. A good complement to the Molten Korgi.
Docmesa If you did that the game would crash.
A solid pet to have in an undead line up. This thing has so much healing utility it can be tough to kill unless you're hitting very hard. With Unborn Valkyr spear heading this pet is awesome against humanoid types.
A while back I started looking for this pet using the flying from point to point strategy. I got lucky and found one the first time I went through the path. It was a poor balanced type. I caught it and got a rare stone and now it's one of my favorite pets. I wish i could get a better type but I'm just happy i have it.
Got mine the other day for 18k. On my server it averages from 35 to 40k. I had to get it.
Got mine for 8k That is the first time i've ever seen it below 10k. 3200 is a steal. I'm just happy i got this pet. I've wanted it for so long.
I like the way you think. A Hyena pet would be amazing! This needs to be a thing.
Finally just got mine. I wouldn't have gotten it if they didn't extend the event. Thanks Blizzard for giving us more time! I'm just so happy I don't have to run anymore MC LFRs for a long while.
Just got mine today. Did a lot of picking to get him. Having a lvl 3 Herb garden helps a ton.
I love this pet. He's one of my personal favorites. Any pet that dances as they Idle is alright in my book. He's a great battler with some solid moves. He's my go to pet when I need a Beast type. I named mine Star Fox.
I was doing my daily plant picking in my herb garden and one of the little sproutlings showed up and dropped him. According to my drop tracking addon it was my 15th attempt. He's a pretty cool looking pet.
Just got mine today I'd say I got mine after 6 or 7 solves. I also started with around 40 Archeology in my skill. He's a neat little pet to have.
I just got this pet today from a Blingtron Daily. What a Nice surprise. He's a very cool pet with some interesting moves.
What day does winter start in game?
Got on and was fighting the grunts in the battlefeild where all the enemies were coming out of the cannon balls. I killed somewhere between 180 and 200 enemies and it dropped for me.
I just checked and it's true. This pet can indeed solo Aki the chosen. It takes a little bit of time to take her down using this strategy but it is a great way to level up weaker pets.
This pet is a beast. One of the best Mechanical pets in my opinion. His Ion Cannon + Lightning storm is a fantastic combination. It does a ton of damage usually well over a 1000 damage. The only draw back to Ion is that you are unable to attack for 2 rounds. It's best used as a finishing move or a last ditch attack before death.
I was not aware that the recipe has been removed. Good thing I got it on my mechanic before it was removed. Maybe I should take up selling it on my server.
Got mine late yesterday. I did not get a rare though. I've been hanging out on that island for a while now randomly checking in on it for it to rain. While i was leveling some low level pets it started. I killed a bunch but no rares would show. I did get my Destruction Breed in a common and I do pandarian pet dailies all the time. I'll have a battle stone for it reletively soon.
I set out to catch this in the Black Market with my fishing at around 85. It took me 5 days and a ton of trys. I eventually caught it off of the dock near Crows Tavern shortly after I hit 600 on my fishing skill. It will pop up but expect to try more then a 1000 times before it actually pops up, specially if you start low like i did.
I found mine at around 69.00 61.17 or so. I hope that helps a little bit.
Funny thing is I got the spring cleaning buff and I didn't even know how i got it. I must have clicked on a rug without noticing it. I managed to catch a rare one while it was active.