Bastionbagas' Comments
(7) comments by Bastionbagas

Comments by Date (7)
I almost hear it say.. AAAaaanggguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu rrr. Nice pet to battle with. Seethe is nice against mechanicals and the aoe is pretty fast up. And it has the stun. Sometimes you have to choose to stun (if it procs) the undead or do damage on the next. I just don't like when he dies, he really looks defeated with all those light.
I tried enrage with spirit spikes, it was very weird, but it did good damage on the other pet ,but really strange to see, I was on half health after that hit and he 25%
MOST annoying battle pet to battle against. Is really annoying, thats the only word, if it's mixed with the "SunFlower" and something like Firewing.. I saw that team.. or could be with puddle terror also instand of the Sunflower.. really this pet... is very hard to beat in combination with the sunflower.. and than the puddle terror or the Firewing it was hard.. and they stayed all with like 80% of health. BUt even without the others Call me MR. Crawdaddy. Why not have this. L................................................. egendaaaryyyy
Very nice battle pet. Bone Barrage hits hard, if you count all the numbers, pretty good. I found out, you can solo all 3 pets of Wiser Mari in the celesial tournament with this fella. I didnt even use the other pets. got myself a H/H breed.
Just put this pet (lvl 25) and your level 1+ pet and another (can be level 25 or one you're about to finish leveling like, level 20 or so.
Find Frogs to battle, and start with the 1+ pet. You can find spiders too, but than don't start with the level 1+ pet cause some spiders trap. Is fast leveling. When 1+ hits 20, the level 20 is 25 u can put it aside. Use the runt the 1+ who just leveled to 20 and take a new level 1+ pet and your leveling machine is on. Enjoy
I still miss the days with his OP supercharge 2k+ hit (buffed by other pet like infected squirl) days. Kinda logic, but I miss it. it was Bye Bye magical Crawdad.. you know which move I mean if you play pets longer.. I will never release/abandon him, I called him "Where my OP Move" in memory of that OP move, ppl must have hated me. In that time was Idol, broom, flex, turret clockworks, Lil g,skull, and crawlingcraw and there was the world destroyer tactics. Fun days, but now is also good.
Read about this pet on the forum,was exited and ready to farm it, had drinks and food for myself ready and prepared to farm for hours if needed, took me 12 minutes to get this pet (poor) H/H breed, dunno If its common now these days to get this pet, but for me it was very easy ,did thundra coast, nothing went to Forlorn wood after some flying in circles (41.62, 44.62) made him rare already.
I didn't know there were more breeds, didn't check after buying this from a vendor that popped Araanda i guess in my garisson. I got a P/S breed, and leveled it fast just to check. For me is amazing in PVP. I go with Serpent Bone and Hydraling. good counter for tripple undead teams. This guy is very nice, I like all slots, strong. pref to go with Acid Touch, shell armor and Demolish. It hits quiet much and hard. 4.5 for me.