Babu's Comments
(8) comments by Babu

Comments by Date (8)
just found mine, uc quality at chilmaw's rock in icecrown at 415 am on echo isles server. so glad i decided to take a spin around before getting ready for work, she is sweet.
got this guy out of the fabled panderen pet supply bag for doing the fabled daily.
yes you can cage and sell/trade them.
the daily has not been available to me for almost a month. getting extremly frustrating. have complained to blizzard about this, for all the good it will do.
sent an alt to a larg guild that had the acheiv. grinded rep to exalted(entered at 0/21000). purchased Lil T and dark phx & golden king mounts. now the Lil T and mounts ared available to my other toons in my personal alt guild. very cool of the larger guild to let me do it.
dropped on kill # 190. it is a rare, so no worries about leveling right away as c/uc, then loosing 2 levels to a beast biscuit upgrade.
had an alt camped near pools. logged in right on top of immolatus, so I killed. him. flew around the pools spamming my /tar minfernal macro and....less than a minute after killing immo, there he was!!! landed and engaged with Minfernal. yaye. 11:48 pm spawned very near the pillars that are just above the northern most pool.
just found not one, but two back to bac. poor quality just north of ruins of taurojo, common quaslity just to the south of taurojo. 415pm on a sunday. neither was any where near the big giraffes
just bagged mine 830 pm echo isles. got a greenie on the stairs leading up to AQ40 entrance. Yaye!!!