Autemn's Comments
(5) comments by Autemn

Comments by Date (5)
I'd been searching and searching for a turkey better than the common one I had. I had friends from other servers invite. Then ultimately decided to try again on my own server. Then there she was....a rare. I fought her, I killed her! for some reason I used a three round ability on her!!! I wasn't even thinking! Lets just say, I'm very sad! :(
edit: with much determination, I got a rare tonight based off the advise from the previous poster! thanks!
finally caught a rare one after about an hour and a half of checking each and every battle pet in the Twilight Highlands! what a pain! But i finally upgraded a grey, and that feels good!
Youve got to be kidding me! I found one and it just died in combat. I didn't even do anything, I passed on the round and it just died from Haunt! I hate this pet :(
EU only pets include Gurky (EU fansite promotion), Lurky (EU only servers because of Burning Crusade CE mess up) and Mini Tyrael (Paris Invitational---like any American could make that "Ain't nobody got time for that!!")
Only American only pets that I can think of MIGHT be the Spirit of Competition pet, but that might even have been avaliable to everyone! :(
I just want a Murloc pet too like Asian countries and European countries!!! :(
Farmed for a little less than an hour. Got it on my 6th Elite. Good luck guys!